Exfoliate your way to beautiful, healthy skin.
Microdermabrasion is a light cosmetic procedure that exfoliates your skin to gently remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells. Often referred to as “Microderm,” microdermabrasion helps:
- Exfoliate top layers of skin
- Gently remove dirt and debris from the skin
- Remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells
- Provide safe and long-lasting quality results
Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure performed by our trained skincare professionals. Consult the team at Mitchell Medical today to find out if this treatment is right for you!
Peel the years and signs of aging away...
Chemical peels are designed to rapidly and safely resurface the skin, encouraging cellular renewal. We massage your face with individualized combinations of cleansers, exfoliates, serums, creams, and moisturizers, depending on your specific needs and goals. These treatments can help:
- Clean and exfoliate
- Moisturize and soothe
- Renew and rejuvenate
- Reveal a more glowing and healthier you
Improve the appearance of the skin on your face, neck, and hands with chemical peels. Many options are available to treat various types of skin conditions; one of our professionals will evaluate your skin and decide which treatments are best suited for your skin. It is our goal to ensure quality treatments and quick results — call Mitchell Medical today and schedule your appointment!